Three Best Features of 4.1 Android Phone

With the development of Android system, it has been better and better in apps and operation. iOS was not the only one phone system around the world and it was believed that android system will catch up with iOS even better than other system. And actually latest Android 4.1 system had made great contribution to the cheap phones.

Android 4.1 system was named Jelly Bean, which bring some significant change on phone. There are several new features such as smarter interface, new camera app, stunning voice typing and voice search and so on. It is so cool to have such a great phone nowadays. Now, introduce some detailed information about the awesome features to all people who decide to buy Android phone.

Convenient Voice Search

It is so cool to have a voice search, isn't it? It is very convenient to have search by speaking out what do you want to search. You need not pull off and search for the location when you are lost in some strange place or just look for some restaurant to have a launch. As long as you say to your phone and it will help you finish the search and offer the best resolution to you. It is time to say goodbye to the traditional texting search.

Right Notifications

Although you may be the fan of iOS attached to your phone, you should admit that cheap android 4.1 phones system do something right with notifications. With the system, it not only can notify the number of email waiting for you but also show your portion of your inbox, and even the Google Now is available in the notifications stray. Therefore, you can watch all the information related to the email and open the notification directly without switching.

Offline Voice Typing

It always make us upset when we found that something wrong with dictation of your phone, because of no Wi-Fi date connection. The offline voice typing in the Android 4.1 system will help you solve the problem. Thanks to voice-to-text, you can also do it under the situation on your device with poor date connection.

More awesome features of Jelly Bean will give you a fresh new and convenient experience. It was believed that cheap android phones with new and excellent apps will more and more popular with people around the world and occupy larger market share in the international market because of its excellent system and cheap price.